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The vision of Lead Nations is to raise godly leaders in every nation (people group). This program is directed to pastors and their wives. The purpose of this training program is to equip pastors who have never had any form of formal or informal Biblical training in life. Maybe their circumstances also did not allow them to receive a proper education at school. We have many such pastors in India and the neighbouring countries. A healthy Pastor will give birth to a healthy local church. 


The topics we cover are Leadership, Discipleship, Biblical Books, Biblical Topics, Bible Overview. The training program is completed over a period of two years. Once in three or four months, the Pastors and if possible their wives come together for four to five days of classes in a pre-decided place that would be closer to their homes. Once the pastors and their wives complete the entire program, they are awarded a "Diploma Certificate in Biblical Leadership & Pastoral Ministry."

This program is used mainly to help pastors and their wives who are based in small towns and villages. If a group of such pastors and their wives irrespective of their denomination or organizational background would like to take this training program, they can contact us.


The vision of Lead Nations is to raise godly leaders in every nation (people group). These leaders can be Evangelists, Elders, and Sunday School Teachers and lay leaders in the local church. Seminars or conferences can be conducted focusing on teaching and equipping members of the church to be effective godly leaders in their respective areas of influence.


The topics we cover are Leadership and Discipleship. Most of the training programs are done for Churches or Christian Organizations based on their invitation. We are involved in such training programs for our Mission Partners in India, Nepal, Bhutan, South Africa and Kenya.


In the year 2014, we had conducted a residential Short Term Leadership Training in Mumbai for a group of 16 young Christian leaders who had come from different parts of India. Due to certain challenges, we could not do it every year. We are hoping to launch a similar training program in the near future.

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